Monday, January 21, 2008

Lion Man tries on suits

Matt took 2 years to agree to grow his beard back! Which i love!~ But now he has a big beard and his hair got long, and he hasn't had a chance to get it cut! So I have started teasing him.

We went to pick out the very dapper sexy suits for our wedding. Matt looked like Lion Man from these car commercials these days. He was so furry and unkempt in the hot suits We had to take pictures to laugh at. I know when he is all clean and unkempt it will be even hotter than it is now! weeeee...

First we tried on a chocolate brown suit with a couple different ties. SEVENTIES MUCH? it was awesome for like a night out or sumn to be silly but not for a wedding. 8 groomsman in brown= shit parade?

We tried on the brown suit because I was hot for this brown tie! it looked hot but the suit didn't work for the wedding. And the tie didnt work with out final suit choice!

The final suit choice is sweeeet. this is it here! Matt is making a silly goodball face!
OW OW what a sexyyyy suit.

Thats it for the suits! I am planning to make covered button boutenniers! what fun!

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