Monday, September 24, 2007

Garlic Is Great!

Oh my! its been months since my last post! This kind of apologetic opening is becoming a habit! I shall have to spend less time reading bridal magazines and recipes, and more time with my blog!

So here I go! My first visit to a farmers market! a few weeks ago Matt was playing the guitar in a children's festival at Fairy Lake.

I headed over to see him to find that his performance had been delayed for a couple hours. Not wanting to just go home, and with time to spare before I had to go to work we set off across the street. There appeared to be tents and music and we realized that it was the GARLIC IS GREAT festival and farmers market. I had no money but i was mega excited as I held Matt's hand and dragged him around the stands. We didn't get long but I was feeling really happy surrounded by some beautiful food.

We lined up at the small trailer that serves food. They had a big lineup and a considerably large menu for such a small space. Bacon sandwiches, burgers, fries, eggs sandwiches, and specials of the day! that day they were featuring waffles and cajun corn fritters. Matt got a Sausage on a Bun and I opted to try the corn fritters. They sounded intriguing.

They were actually really really good and not overly greasy. I plan to try my hand at the recipe in the near future. They came with a spicy mayonnaise, an awesome edition.

We took a look at a few stands. There was sushi, knife sharpening, Heirloom tomatoes, the potatoes that are heirloomed but im too tired to remember the proper name for them. I laughed the hardest at a tent called "Big Ass Garlic"

They had lots of garlic wreaths, different garlic types and spreads. They had a donkey for their symbol.

All in all it was a fun 30 minutes jaunt around a parking lot and i look forward to hitting it up on a day where i have both time and money. The great news? When we move to the new house there is a farm market open daily, 2 blocks from us. Oh am i ever excited about living in the country!

coming soon: A post about food!? really? no way!

1 comment:

  1. Thats hilarious!!! I love that pic!!

    Finally getting caught up on my blogging... well, not mine, but reading others. Lol.
