Monday, January 08, 2007

Going To The Chapel...

Hey Blogger world!
An announcement if i may...though i promised previously that post christmas would bring many a blogs with cookies and presents and fun. Due to facebook, i already uploaded the story...and so thusly i will post at a later date. Something else is new, and it just couldn't wait for me to hold off any more blogging entires!


yay yay yay yay yayyyyyy!

hee hee hee. so, that being said...perhaps a short synopsis!
Matt and I have been together for 3 1/2 years this month. He's my best friend and my absolute favourite person in the universe. We are with each other every day and have over the years built an incredibly strong relationship!

that is my little super serious blurb!

Matt and I hated this year, it sucked royal ass. Lots of crazy, (and i use that term fully) and tragedy. When midnight was counting down we were standing in the family room of my home, surrounded by a bunch of our close friends. The count down went off and i yelled a loud, excited goodbye to 2006. I shared a midnight kiss with Matty, and then everyone was giving me new years hugs. The phone rang and matt got on the phone with shane. Once matt got off the phone i was standing in the middle of my kitchen. He took my hands and he asked me
"do you want to start this year right?"

When i said yes, Matt dropped down on one knee and pulled the ring box out of his pocket. He asked, "Angela D******" will you marry me?" to which i let out a slightly drunk but really excited, happy, almost gonna cry "yeeeessssss!", and on the ring went. There was kissing and hugging, and then i realized that the whole party was watching and i couldn't cry anymore cause i was suddenly shy...
the phone rang 2 more times, i had 2 more conversations, called my mom and THEN everyone got to give me hugs and kisses.

Chantilly and Trevor were over, and they too recently got engaged! Here we are excited to be brides!

I have been planning like a nut bar all week...but i am very proud of what a calm little bride i am. I havent fully booked anything but everything is well underway and my hall is reserved!

I am taking it easy, mostly reading magazines and perusing the internet for ideas. Im stretching it out, and doing it well. You only get to do this once! Matt is very involved, coming to the halls and looking at everything online. He's really cute! Aww, Matty.

So yes there will eventually be a christmas post...but heads up. this blog may be BRIDE CENTRAL for a little while..., We are getting married on June 7th, 2008 so that gives me 16 months of blog material on top of my usual endeavours....


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