Hello teeny tiny audience of mine! It's after midnight and im not interested in sleep right now. I'm curled up in my big comfy corduroy chair, doing what i like to do when im alone and surfin. I love watching a shit load of trailoes all at once. When I was 18, i went away to college, taking broadcasting, television and film. Two of my dearest friend and I started a night time radio show called 'falling objects'. from 8 to 10 every thursday we sat in our beloved "fish bowl" cracking jokes and more. My special piece of the program was sumn called THE SQUIDGE REPORT. i had a theme song i sang and everything. So... since i have a nostalgic miss broadcasting/film school moment, i am giving you the first online SQUIDGE REPORT!
Recently In theatres:
matt and i last saw school for scoundrels starring jon heder and billy bob thornton. I loveeeeed it. It was funny, it was spicy, and the chemistry between jon heder and his love lead female was really really sweet. I love Jon from Napolean dynamite and benchwarmers, and though he wasnt attractive in napolean, he is attractive in everything else. *CHING CHING* thusly...good movie. good writing. good adventure. good acting. good soundtrack. See it.
My mom surpised me by buying this movie off the cheap rack at rogers video. I was pretty excited because i have a thing for all drag movies and men dressed as women, dressed as a man movies alike. That being said...i watched this. found it shot beautifully. Had great feeling, appropriately timed jokes and climax. Loved the soundtrack, beautifully written true story. KINKY BOOTS however, did not sit too right with my friend i forced to watch after my first view. Jeff gave it a thumbs up, Matt gave it a thumbs up but never make me see it again, and katie gave it a couple snoozes on the couch and an msn name that read "kinky boots sucks"... oh well...
The Pursuit Of Happiness
I love will smith. He's hot and a great actor in my opinion. ohh fresh prince.... This movie is coming out soon and i wasnt sure what to expect when i turned the trailer on. When it was over, i wanted to watch it right at that moment. Will smith plays a single father struggling to make due while carting his reallly cute little boy around the city. He plays a really good part, and he had me really into the story. It looks REALLY REALLY GOOD. see the trailer, you will be convinced.
This one looks glammy. Yes..ok..beyonce knowles is in it and that could put a girl off seeing this. but she's playing a lead in a singing group, who backs up eddie murphy's character, who is kind of like james brown. It unravels like destiny's child heading the group, all the attention break up friendship dealy...but it walso looks like a really well put together movie...naturally it has a lot of hints at a dark underlying story...but i think beyoncee has a drug problem in it and that would be interesting to see. so see it! hahah (and yes in my show i did demand that my listeners 'See it" if i deemed it seeable!
Sandra Bullock is awesome, although i ended up with a life mate who HATESSS HER! arg matt you hate all my favourite leading ladies! cry cry! This is a movie about sanra bullock, who;s husband dies in an accident. Then she wakes up and he is alive...then she falls asleep and he is dead again, and she cant figure out why day to day she goes back and fourth so people on both sides think she is going crazy. It's like a crazy groundhog day. SEE IT! Sandra is crazy cool in this one.
Tenacious D In The Pick Of Destiny
Jack Black. Kyle Gas. The greatest band in the world...Jack sexy...angie like the fat fats....
enough said...
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